Beamline scientist at NanoMAX • Lunds universitet, MAX IV
Postdoctoral Fellow for the time-resolved beamline ID09 M / F
Segments of one of the European XFEL undulators. The large vertical metal girders hold the permanent magnets in place above and below the electron beamline, providing the alternating magnetic field needed for X-ray laser generation. Continuing its successful seven-years run, Beamline for Schools is ready to kick off the 2021 edition. This physics competition offers high-school students the unique opportunity to carry out an experiment at CERN or in a partner research laboratory. Beamline for Schools has become increasingly popular over the past seven years, with more than 11000 students from around the world having taken The beamline is equipped with two APPLE II helical insertion devices. They have periods of 44 mm and 80 mm and allow us to cover the whole energy range of the beamline using the first harmonic. The picture shows the two insertion devices installed in the straight section of Soleil.
per start-up. 02. ARE YOU A … BEAMLINE FOR SCHOOLS (BL4S) International competition for high school students from all around the world organised by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, Switzerland. The competition invites teams of high-school students to propose a scientific experiment that they want to perform at a particle accelerator. Beamline - - Diamond Light Source. Science.
NanoMAX : a hard x-ray nanoprobe beamline at MAX IV - DiVA Portal
Peter Amann - Stockholms universitet
In materials science, physics, chemistry, and molecular biology a beamline leads to the experimental endstation utilizing particle beams from a particle accelerator, synchrotron light obtained from a synchrotron, or neutrons from a spallation source or research reactor Beamline Techniques Energy Range Beam Size ; BLOCH: high resolution angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), optionally spin resolved (Spin-ARPES) and core-level spectroscopy (CLS) 10 -1000 eV: 10μm x 25μm (VxH) Balder: XAS, XES: 2.4 - 40 keV: defocused V ~0.1-2 mm x H ~ 2-9 mm, focused 100 x 100 µm2: BioMAX Beamlines are where science happens at the ESRF. People speak of a beamline in three ways. It’s a physical space within the experimental hall. It’s also a set of equipment that brings the X-ray beam to the material being studied and records what happens. Beamline Beamline Acronym Beamline Number Photon Energy Range Partner Research Focus; Biological Small Angle X-ray Solution Scattering and High-Pressure Biology Beamline. HP BioSAXS & BioSAXS: 7A: 7-14 keV at 1.5% bandwidth q = 0.005 - 0.7 Å-1. CHEXS.
SARRP Beamline offers the first image-guided platform designed for beamline irradiation. Built on the robust and established SARRP platform, SARRP Beamline provides CT guidance and robotic alignment for small animal experiments. 2021-03-18
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There are several resources available to help you find information about APS sectors and beamlines. View Beamline: Filter List: By Technique Show All Beamlines (Remote/mail-in/onsite) High-Throughput X-ray footprinting (liquid or frozen state, 5uL volumes, BSL2 possible) Automatic specimen handling Available sample environments: (80 - 500) K cryostream Bragg CDI/Ptychography on single crystal samples. Beamlines are where science happens at the ESRF. People speak of a beamline in three ways.
It’s also a set of equipment that brings the X-ray beam to the material being studied and records what happens. Beamline Beamline Acronym Beamline Number Photon Energy Range Partner Research Focus; Biological Small Angle X-ray Solution Scattering and High-Pressure Biology Beamline.
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Beamline Vacuum - SLAC User Portal
HP BioSAXS & BioSAXS: 7A: 7-14 keV at 1.5% bandwidth q = 0.005 - 0.7 Å-1. CHEXS. MacCHESS. Biomolecular structure from solution; High-pressure studies in biophysics; Food Science.
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andrey shavorskiy - Beamline Manager - MAX IV Laboratory
They have periods of 44 mm and 80 mm and allow us to cover the whole energy range of the beamline using the first harmonic.